like a RED
70 percent of people think in terms of chapters - a beginning, a middle,
and end. They possess a balance between conceptual and logical thought
processes with a dominant element of instinct. If a situation does
not feel appropriate, a Red thinker will not make a decision or move
from their position. A Red thinker is likely to freeze when confronted
with conflict. Their senses become overloaded with stimuli and almost
completely shut down their rational thought process. The best way to both speak and write to a RED is to keep it non-threatening and follow a process (i.e. start with the big idea and then go through the steps in order).
Think like a YELLOW
10 percent of people are constantly collecting and connecting bits
of information. Their thought process is similar to mind mapping as
they are storing data in 'pods' for future use. Yellows are very comfortable
with conceptual ideas and tend to be the ideas people in a group.
Yellows have difficulty when too many detailed facts and figures are
presented to them for immediate response. The best way to both speak
and write to a Yellow is to keep it visual, animated and conversational.
Think like a GREEN
20 percent of people have extremely organized thought processes and
are quite sequential in their thinking. They process information visually,
picturing it in their mind. Greens have difficulty processing information
when emotionally charged words are directed toward them. Their natural
ability to visualize words graphically becomes over stimulated. The
best way to both speak and write to Green is to keep it brief, use
few words and be as specific as possible. |